Explore the essentials of machine learning in our webinar, "Understanding Machine Learning: Basics and Algorithms." Join us to unravel the core concepts and popular algorithms shaping the field. Discover how machine learning drives innovation across industries and gain practical insights into its real-world applications. Don't miss out on this opportunity to deepen your understanding and harness the potential of machine learning.

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Agenda for the session

  • Introduction to Machine Learning
  • Types of Machine Learning
  • MIT IDSS' Data Science and Machine Learning Program
  • Live Q&A

About Speakers

Mr. Anuj Saboo

Data Scientist, BAT

Anuj Saboo, currently working as a Data Scientist at BAT Canada, is a data practitioner with 7+ years of industry experience in developing data-focused solutions using Big Data Engineering, Analytics, Machine Learning, and Natural Language Processing transforming data at rest to data in action.

Data Science and Machine Learning: Making Data-Driven Decisions Program

The Data Science and Machine Learning: Making Data-Driven Decisions Program has a curriculum carefully crafted by MIT faculty to provide you with the skills & knowledge to apply data science techniques to help you make data-driven decisions.

This data science program has been designed for the needs of data professionals looking to grow their careers and enhance their data science skills to solve complex business problems. In a relatively short period of time, the program aims to build your understanding of most industry-relevant technologies today such as machine learning, deep learning, network analytics, recommendation systems, graph neural networks, and time series.